Tag: poster child
Peter Pan Syndrome
Word of the Day: Peter Pan Syndrome Have you ever met a person who seems never to want to grow up? They could be experiencing Peter Pan Syndrome. I think we can call it a kind of escapism in which an adult doesn’t want to participate in adult behaviour. People with Peter Pan Syndrome choose…
Word of the Day: Downplay As often happens with new technology, we tend to emphasize the benefits and downplay the drawbacks. What I mean by that is we tend to make things seem less important or harmful than they really are. Downplay means to make things seem less important or harmful than they really are.…
Disruptive technology
WotD: Disruptive technology The one thing about disruptive technology, which is essential to know, is that it’s not always what you expect it to be. All the items on the desk above have been termed disruptive technology at one time or another. Disruptive technology is new technology that changes the way things are done. It…
Poster child
WotD: Poster child It’s not very often that I get stumped, but I had a hard time coming up with a way to explain poster child. Then I got an idea. In yesterday’s post, I discussed dessert and mentioned that some people eat as much as they want and get away with it. Well, in this post, I’ll…
Word of the Day: Free-range Free range describes animals allowed to roam in a vast, open space and not confined in a small cage. You’ll often see this in grocery stores where you can buy free-range eggs and chicken. If you see free-range written on a package, it will usually mean that the food is…