Tag: pick up steam

  • Lose steam

    Lose steam

    WotD: Lose steam How are you feeling? Are you starting to lose steam as the year comes to an end? Well, Yes, I understand there are still roughly three weeks left to go in 2022. I look at the first week of December as the beginning of the end of the year. If you are…

  • Pick up steam

    Pick up steam

    Idiom: Pick up steam Here we are in Japan, waiting for the economy to pick up steam. The Japanese economic bubble, which lasted from 1986 to 1991, burst in ’92. Although the economy has been chugging along and most people have been working, it has never boomed like in the ’80s. The problem is, in my…

  • Nascent


    Word of the Day: Nascent The drones are no longer in their nascent stages. They are coming! In fact, they are already here. Last summer, one crashed into Himeji Castle, but drones are still a relatively new technology, and society doesn’t fully understand how to deal with them yet. When something is new or has…