Tag: penchant

  • Tie up loose ends

    Tie up loose ends

    Phrase: Tie up loose ends Have you ever known someone who is a great starter but a poor finisher? This type of person tends to leave a lot of loose ends that need to be tied up. To tie up loose ends means to complete the parts of something that have not been completed. When…

  • Power nap

    Power nap

    WotD: Power nap Seeing as how we talked about taking a power walk yesterday, today may be the perfect opportunity to take a power nap. I know that people rarely achieve the recommended eight hours of sleep a night, especially here in Japan. Long commutes, long working hours and a penchant for staying up late…

  • Penchant


    Word of the Day: Penchant If you like something very much, you probably have a penchant for it. I have a penchant for two things: chocolate and long walks. I suppose I’m lucky because long walks help me burn off the calories I gain from eating chocolate. If you like something very much, you probably…

Discover the truth behind male malaise and the emotional struggles faced by men.  View this lesson