Tag: pay your dues
Pay your dues
Phrase: Pay your dues Very few people get a quick and comfortable ride to the top. If you want to be successful, you will have to pay your dues like everyone else and wait for your number to come up. To pay your dues means to suffer through difficulties and hardship before becoming successful and having what…
The heavy lifting
WotD: The heavy lifting Before you make up your mind that today’s picture is not worth looking at or liking, you should hang around long enough to learn what the heavy lifting means. The heavy lifting is the hardest or least enjoyable part of a job or task. When it comes to housework, for example, cleaning the toilets…
WotD: Diligent Yesterday I introduced the meaning of aptitude. If you do not have a talent for English, don’t worry. By working diligently, you can increase your English language skills. So, what does that mean? Diligent means being careful and using a lot of effort. Rome was not built in a day, and there is no such thing…