Tag: pastime

  • Like chalk and cheese

    Like chalk and cheese

    Simile: Like chalk and cheese The simile, like chalk and cheese, is an idiomatic expression indicating the vast differences between two things, just like living in Canada and Japan. Take, for example, my life journey. Splitting my time between Canada, the land of maple syrup, beaver tails, jigs dinner and pea soup, and Japan, the…

  • Pastime


    Word of the Day: Pastime What better day to talk about pastimes than Sunday? This is the seventh day, the day of rest. When I was a child, all the stores were closed on Sundays – you couldn’t even buy gasoline. Of course, things have changed. Nothing is sacred anymore, and Sunday is pretty much…

  • Binge-watch


    WotD: Binge-watch Tell me you haven’t done it, and I’ll call you a liar.  Binge-watching is one of our favourite pastimes. Streaming online video services such as Amazon Video, Netflix, and Hulu have made it easier to choose what we watch and when. They didn’t invent binge-watching, though. To binge-watch means to watch multiple episodes or perhaps…

  • Navel-gazing


    WotD: Navel-gazing The world in 2019 is a world of action, decision-making, and deep meditation. That’s why many people get upset when they see others navel-gazing. Now, navel-gazing sounds like serious stuff. Before we can continue, you must know what a navel is. Navel is another word for belly button. Look at your stomach if you don’t know…

  • In vogue

    In vogue

    Word of the Day: In vogue You never know what’s going to be in vogue from one fashion season to the next. Even from one month to the next, trends can change. Many trends are ephemeral, meaning that they last for only a short time. Other trends have legs and remain in fashion for years or even decades. Social media…

  • Walk of life

    Walk of life

    WotD: Walk of life  Sherlock Holmes, probably the most famous person who never was, could deduce a person’s walk of life merely by observing them for a few seconds. A person’s walk of life is their place in society or their occupation. Some people feel it’s rude to mention another’s walk of life. He was a great…