Tag: overwhelmed
Word of the Day: Blindside In everyday language, being blindsided refers to being caught off guard or unexpectedly surprised by something unpleasant. When someone is blindsided, they cannot see a problem or challenge coming, which can lead to confusion and stress. For example, if a company suddenly announces layoffs, employees may feel blindsided if they…
Word of the Day: Daunting In today’s fast-paced world, the word daunting is often at the forefront of our minds. Describing something as daunting means it seems intimidating or discouraging, often because it is too challenging to tackle. Now that winter is coming on, getting out of bed in the morning can seem a daunting,…
Grow on you
WotD: Grow on you The phrase grow on you is an expression that describes something or someone that becomes more appealing or endearing over time. When something grows on you, you start to like it more and more as you spend time with it or become more familiar with it. Our initial reaction might not…
On the back burner
WotD: On the back burner Putting something on the back burner means delaying or postponing something, often because it is not a priority at the moment. When we put things on the back burner, we set them aside to deal with later. While this can sometimes be necessary, we should be cautious about leaving important…
Word of the Day: Newbie No matter who you are, what you do, or how much experience you now have, you were once a newbie. Everyone starts from zero. A newbie is someone new to a particular activity, community, or environment. Newbies are often inexperienced or unfamiliar with the ins and outs of a specific…
Down for the count
Idiom: Down for the count Down for the count is an idiom that originated in boxing. It describes a boxer who is down for the count, knocked to the ground and cannot get up before the referee counts to ten and declared unable to continue the fight. Outside of the boxing ring, down for the…
Pep talk
Word of the Day: Pep talk We all need a pep talk now and then. A pep talk is a conversation or speech intended to encourage, motivate, or inspire someone, especially in a time of difficulty or challenge. It’s like a verbal pick-me-up that can lift spirits and help people push through tough times. Whether…
Fire sale
Word of the Day: Fire sale Everyone loves a great bargain. You may be familiar with closing sales, clearance sales and Boxing Day specials, but have you ever taken advantage of a fire sale? A fire sale is a clearance sale where goods are sold at a lower price than their original value. The term…
Dwell on
WotD: Dwell on Dwelling on things is a common human tendency that can be helpful and harmful depending on the reason behind it. To dwell on something means to spend an excessive amount of time thinking or worrying about something. This can be anything from a past mistake to a future event, but the result…
Sound like a broken record
Phrase: Sound like a broken record When we try to warn people about preparing for the future, we run the risk of sounding like a broken record. It’s a common frustration for those who care deeply about the well-being of others. To sound like a broken record means continually repeating the same message, often to…