Tag: on the other hand

  • It's the thought that counts

    It's the thought that counts

    English Phrase: It’s the thought that counts We’re coming up on Christmas. It’s the time of year when we want to show our love and appreciation to others by giving them something special. We also often forget it’s the thought that counts, not the value of the gift. It’s the thought that counts means the…

  • Foolhardy


    Word of the Day: Foolhardy There’s a limit to everything. The problem is some people always have to push things too far. That’s the difference between being brave and foolhardy. A brave person doesn’t show fear when faced with a dangerous situation. They do, however, show caution. Brave people hope for the best but prepare…

  • Brainstorm


    WotD: Brainstorm Ideas, creativity, and originality are all considered requirements for success today. So, how do companies stay ahead of the game and continue developing fantastic ideas? They brainstorm. Brainstorming occurs when many people throw out different ideas without strict controls before choosing a few to focus on and develop further. Brainstorming sessions can be a really energetic…

  • Take a lot out of you

    Take a lot out of you

    Phrase: Take a lot out of you Although it may not involve much strenuous physical activity, office work can take a lot out of you. My father was a construction worker, and I initially followed in his footsteps. We worked together in Canada and northern Canada in the roofing industry. Let me tell you; it was…

  • In the black

    In the black

    Idiom: In the black  You’re either in the black or the red regarding money. Money, it’s an intriguing topic, isn’t it? We all need it. Most of us want it. Some of us never have enough of it. Sometimes it feels like life is a constant struggle to bring home the bacon. With rising prices, increased taxes and…

  • Watering hole

    Watering hole

    WotD: Watering hole In natural environments worldwide, you’ll find animals down at the local watering hole for a drink. The watering hole can be quite a dangerous place. The carnivores like to hang out there. They know that the herbivores have to come down for a drink sometime, and they’ll be vulnerable. On Friday and Saturday nights all around…

  • Under the thumb

    Under the thumb

    Idiom: Under the thumb You may want to be at the beach or the opera, but you never want to be under the thumb of someone else. When someone has you under their thumb, they completely dominate and control you. It’s never a good place to be. Overbearing, domineering, controlling people want to have others under their thumb. These…

  • Down on your luck

    Down on your luck

    Idiom: Down on your luck If you feel like you’re having a bad day, you may be down on your luck. Sometimes no matter what you do, bad luck follows you around. You could be in a bad situation regarding romance or family matters. Perhaps you’re experiencing financial difficulties and are at a loss as to how you…

  • Chicken scratches

    Chicken scratches

    WotD: Chicken scratches A doctor’s handwriting looks like chicken scratches. This is a common belief in North America and perhaps around the world. Ask any pharmacist if they can always understand the prescriptions written by a doctor, and they will undoubtedly tell you no. Chicken scratches is a term used to refer to difficult or impossible-to-read handwriting.…

  • At first blush / at first glance

    At first blush / at first glance

    Idiom: At first blush/glance At first blush or first glance, means the moment when you first start to think about something before you have given it any deep thought. There are various ways to use this expression. For example, at first glance, I never thought I would be able to complete the project on time, but…