Tag: on the brink
WotD: Narrow-minded Narrow-minded people have a fixed mindset and are unwilling to consider new ideas or perspectives. It describes someone who often sticks to their beliefs, ignoring other possibilities even when their beliefs have been proven incorrect. Being narrow-minded can lead to misunderstandings and conflict because it prevents open communication and growth. The dangers of…
Over the edge
Phrase: Over the edge Have you ever been pushed over the edge? I’m sure you’ve been pushed to the edge a few times, but that’s not what I asked. The term over the edge is used to describe someone who has lost control or reached their breaking point due to stress. Now this can result…
On a mission
Phrase: On a mission If you are a man, take my advice. Never, ever get in the way of a woman on a mission. If you are not on her side, she will run you over like a fully loaded freight train at top speed and not even look back. I remember two instances when…
On the brink
Phrase: On the brink On the brink is a common phrase that people use when something is about to happen. Quite commonly, it’s used when talking about a harmful or undesirable situation such as, ‘Europe is on the brink of war,’ ‘The economy is on the brink of economic disaster,’ or ‘The company is on the brink of a hostile takeover.’ In…