Tag: on a whim

  • Come into play

    Come into play

    Phrase: Come into play You’ll hear the phrase come into play in various situations, such as sports, business, social situations, and daily conversation. Simply put, to come into play means to become relevant or start impacting a situation. For instance, when discussing a game, many strategies might come into play as the rules change or…

  • Out of character

    Out of character

    Phrase: Out of character Have you ever found yourself doing something completely out of character? Something that you wouldn’t normally do, something that surprises even yourself? When we say something is out of character, we mean it is not typical of a person’s personality or behaviour. It’s like stepping outside your comfort zone, outside the…

  • Look before you leap

    Look before you leap

    English Proverb: Look before you leap Look before you leapĀ or jump. You should always make sure you know where you are going to land. It’s also a good idea to ensure that it will be a soft landing. In other words, consider the consequences of your actions before you act. Planning is crucial. If you…

Discover the truth behind male malaise and the emotional struggles faced by men.  View this lesson