Tag: nonetheless
WotD: Nonetheless The term nonetheless is an adverb that means in spite of or nevertheless. It highlights a contrast between two statements, often introducing an element of surprise or a twist in the narrative. In the context of today’s workplace, young people face numerous challenges that can overshadow the advancements our society has made. Despite…
Walking on thin ice
Idiom: Walking on thin ice Walking on thin ice is a very precarious pastime indeed. Every year, Canadians die from failing to check the thickness of the ice before going out on it. With climate change such a huge factor, one never truly knows if the ice is thick enough or not without testing it…
The best of a bad bunch
Phrase: The best of a bad bunch Life is full of choices. Naturally, we always want to choose what is best for ourselves and those close to us, but sometimes we have to choose the best of a bad bunch. What does that mean? Well, sometimes, none of the options we have are particularly good,…
Fall through the cracks
Phrase: Fall through the cracks Summer is the time for patio and deck parties, strolling on boardwalks and crossing over suspension bridges. Sadly, it’s also the time when many coins, keys and earrings fall through the cracks to disappear forever into the dark world beneath the surface. Those, however, are only material things. They are…
Can’t be bothered
Phrase: Can’t be bothered It’s Sunday, the day when many people can’t be bothered to do anything. It’s a great day for sleeping in, eating a late breakfast outside, taking a short stroll around the neighbourhood and then keeping yourself busy by lying around the house for the remainder of the day. When you can’t be bothered, you…
Milch cow
Word of the Day: Milch cow Ok, everyone, this was a new one for me just last week. I had never heard the term milch cow before until a student introduced it to me. It’s another term for a cash cow. That’s one of the reasons I get out of bed in the morning –…
Be in the public eye
Idiom: Be in the public eye Some celebrities very much enjoy being in the public eye. To be in the public eye means to have the attention of the media so that the public is interested in who you are and everything you do. If you are familiar with Kim Kardashian, then you know that she…
On the books
English Phrase: On the books If you’re on the books, you’re officially enrolled as a member of an organization such as a school, company or sports team. As a simple example, all of my students are on the books as being current students at ArtisanEnglish.jp. Even though my company is entirely digital, and there are…