Tag: nine days’ wonder

  • Overnight success

    Overnight success

    WotD: Overnight success Before we even begin to discuss it, you should realize that there is no such thing as overnight success. With that understanding, overnight success is someone or something that becomes successful very quickly. Remember the comedian Pikotaro and his pen-pineapple-apple-pen video? Yeah, well, where is he now? See, that was not an…

  • Hype


    Word of the Day: Hype These days, it takes a lot of hype to catch people’s attention. Whenever you see things on TV news, hear about them on the radio, and simultaneously see them on social media and advertised on every website you visit, you can be sure there is a lot of hype about them. Marketers…

  • Fall guy

    Fall guy

    Word of the Day: Fall guy Nobody wants to be the fall guy, so you better be sure you know who your friends are. The fall guy is the person who gets the blame when something goes wrong, or they are the person blamed for a crime they did not commit. Most of the time, the person who…