Tag: New Year’s

  • Winds of change

    Winds of change

    Phrase: Winds of change Change is one of the few constants in the world. Politicians campaign on it; people resist it, but inevitably, it happens just as the sun is sure to rise and the tides turn. The phrase the winds of change describes the feeling you experience when you anticipate change is about to…

  • Get the ball rolling

    Get the ball rolling

    Idiom: Get the ball rolling Hey there, everyone. Happy New Year! I hope you all had a wonderful holiday season. Here in Japan, it’s common to say you had a ‘sleeping New Year.’ It means all you did during the New Year’s holidays was eat, sleep and drink. That’s what I did, and I loved…

  • Snow job

    Snow job

    Word of the Day: Snow job A snow job has nothing to do with what happened on the Kanetsu Expressway in Niigata recently. Heavy snow on a highway causing 1000 cars to be stranded for two days, is an act of God. A snow job is an intense effort to deceive someone or hide something…

  • Tis the season to be jolly

    Tis the season to be jolly

    Expression: Tis the season to be jolly Tis the season to be jolly, eat, drink and be merry. Yes, Christmas is still two days away, but why not start early? Let’s make it an even two weeks, shall we? You already know the twelve days of Christmas stretch from December 25th to Epiphany on January…

  • The proof is in the pudding

    The proof is in the pudding

    Proverb: The proof is in the pudding Will 2019, the year of the boar, be a good year? Who can tell for sure? The only guarantee is the proof is in the pudding. By this time next week, Christmas Day will have come and gone. We’ll all be thinking about the fast-approaching New Year, which will…

  • In a rut

    In a rut

    Idiom: (Stuck) in a rut Many of us feel we are stuck in a rut. When you are in a rut, each day feels just like the one before, and nothing new or exciting ever seems to happen. When you are in a rut, the best thing to do is to turn over a new…

  • Trimmings


    Word of the Day: Trimmings Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy, I can’t wait for Christmas dinner with all the trimmings. Of course, I’ll have to cook Christmas dinner, but it’s just such a special dinner that I wait for it each year with bated breath. I get to cook a whole chicken (turkey is…

  • Be there with bells on

    Be there with bells on

    English Idiom: Be there with bells on It’s the time of the year for parties.  The thing to remember is when you go to a party at this time of year, be there with bells on. There are Christmas parties, End of Year parties, New Year’s parties, Home parties there are all kinds of parties.…

  • Caribou


    Word of the Day: Caribou Canada has caribou, lots and lots of them. You may say ‘so what?’ But before you do remember that this is Christmas Eve, and that means Santa Claus and eight tiny reindeer, another name for reindeer, will soon be flying around the world. Many people in Canada hunt caribou for…

  • With bated breath

    With bated breath

    Phrase: With bated breath Tonight’s the night! The big guy is coming down the chimney! All the little kiddies – and big kiddies, too – will be waiting for Santa with bated breath. If you wait with bated breath, you wait eagerly. You are so excited that you breathe heavily and try to control your…