Tag: nascent

  • New world order

    New world order

    WotD: New world order The term new world order has been a subject of much debate and speculation in recent history. It refers to a new period of history that signals a significant change in the global balance of power. The concept of a new world order emerged following major international events, such as the…

  • Since time immemorial

    Since time immemorial

    Phrase: Since time immemorial Wow, you must be keen to learn the phrase since time immemorial. I respect that. Hopefully, you’re not alone, and many other English students will visit this page! Well, let’s get down to brass tacks. This phrase is often used in literature, history, and everyday conversation, but its meaning may not…

  • Promising


    Word of the Day: Promising The world is going through dynamic times. Yes, that means change is everywhere, but that change is also very promising. Sure, many jobs will be lost when electric cars become the primary mode of transportation but think of all the new jobs that will be created. For anyone attaining or…

  • Get in on the ground floor

    Get in on the ground floor

    Idiom: Get in on the ground floor When entering a building, it may make sense to get in on the ground floor, but this phrase is also an idiom that means to become involved with an enterprise or project in the early stages. That does not always make sense at first. The reason is involvement…

  • Pale in comparison

    Pale in comparison

    Phrase: Pale in comparison We’re often told not to compare things and instead take each thing at face value and accept it for what it is. This is extremely hard to do, especially when one thing pales in comparison to something else. What I mean is one thing seems less when it’s compared to something…

  • Winds of change

    Winds of change

    Phrase: Winds of change Change is one of the few constants in the world. Politicians campaign on it; people resist it, but inevitably, it happens just as the sun is sure to rise and the tides turn. The phrase the winds of change describes the feeling you experience when you anticipate change is about to…

  • You have to break a few eggs to make an omelette

    You have to break a few eggs to make an omelette

    Proverb: You have to break a few eggs to make an omelette Yes, I know it’s sad, especially if you’re an egg, but it’s true: you have to break a few eggs to make an omelette. While you may consider that a straightforward statement of fact, there’s a little more to the expression than meets the eye.…

  • Luddite


    Word of the Day: Luddite The word Luddite originated in the early 1800s. At that time, a group of people referred to as Luddites, perhaps because their leader was Mr. Ludd, protested against machines being used as an excuse to avoid standard labour practices, such as giving them a lower salary. These Luddites were not protesting against the machines. The…

  • Nascent


    Word of the Day: Nascent The drones are no longer in their nascent stages. They are coming! In fact, they are already here. Last summer, one crashed into Himeji Castle, but drones are still a relatively new technology, and society doesn’t fully understand how to deal with them yet. When something is new or has…

Let's discuss Halloween, a vibrant and thrilling time steeped in rich traditions and folklore.   Explore this lesson