Tag: Mr. Right

  • Worth the wait

    Worth the wait

    Phrase: Worth the wait We live in a world of instant gratification where the phrase worth the wait is not one you often hear. Making it bigger, better, faster, and more – give it to me now – is how we live. Sure, things slowed during the pandemic, but our lives are gradually ramping up again.…

  • Suitor


    Word of the Day: Suitor Ah, the suitor. The elusive creature that has been the subject of many a romantic comedy and Shakespearean play. But what exactly is a suitor? And how can one become a successful suitor without ending up in the friend zone? According to Merriam-Webster, a suitor is “one who courts a…

  • Fall into place 2023

    Fall into place 2023

    Phrase: Fall into place Have you ever experienced a moment when everything just seems to fall into place magically? That feeling of everything fitting together perfectly can be described as falling into place. It’s a feeling of contentment and satisfaction, almost as if the universe is smiling at you. Falling into place often describes situations…

  • Cheek to cheek

    Cheek to cheek

    Idiom: Cheek to cheek Valentine’s Day is coming up. For some people, that is more of a curse than a pleasure. Remember when you would dance cheek-to-cheek with your significant other and not have a care in the world? Cheek-to-cheek is often used to describe people dancing with their heads close together in a romantic…

  • Tall order

    Tall order

    WotD: Tall order Life is full of tall orders. That’s nothing new, and it’s also not a negative if you are in the right state of mind. You see, a tall order is something that is considered very difficult to accomplish. When you first entered high school, you may have thought that getting through the…

  • Soulmate


    Word of the Day: Soulmate Oh, my, dare I say it? Valentine’s Day is two weeks away! Have you discovered your soulmate yet? It’s the time of year when people begin to think about Mr. or Mrs. Right. Heck, some people are scrambling to find Mr. Right Now so they don’t have to be alone…

  • Live and learn

    Live and learn

    Phrase: Live and learn If you are a regular reader of these posts, you already know about the school of hard knocks. Well, live and learn is Hard Knocks for Dummies. We can’t attain all our knowledge from books. Sometimes we can only learn from experience.  It’s rare to find Mr. or Mrs. Right the…

  • After your own heart

    After your own heart

    Phrase: After your own heart We all seek out and enjoy being around people after our own hearts. If someone is after your own heart, they are a like-minded person who is similar to yourself in their thoughts and ways of doing things. We experience a sense of peace of mind when we are around people who think…

  • Marry in haste, repent at leisure.

    Marry in haste, repent at leisure.

    English Proverb: Marry in haste, repent at leisure What do you think this proverb means? Let me give you a clue. Have you ever heard the expression, ‘What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas‘? Well, when it comes to marriage, this is not true.  Sometimes, people get married on a whim and regret it later,…

  • Have a good head on your shoulders

    Have a good head on your shoulders

    English Idiom: Have a good head on your shoulders On March 6th of this year, I wrote about Mr. Right. I said that Mr. Right is the guy who is dependable, loving, caring and has a future. There’s one more thing too. Mr. Right should also have a good head on his shoulders. If you…

Let's discuss Halloween, a vibrant and thrilling time steeped in rich traditions and folklore.   Explore this lesson