Tag: me time

  • On top of the world

    On top of the world

    Phrase: On top of the world With all that’s been going on over the past few years, there are few reasons to feel on top of the world. Or are there? When you feel on top of the world, you feel pure joy and happiness. It’s a feeling we all strive for, but it’s not…

  • Me time

    Me time

    WotD: Me time Here we are, bright-eyed and bushy-tailed and ready to take the world by storm after an incredible Golden Week holiday. I hope that everyone had enough me time. What’s that? Well, me time is precisely what it sounds like: it is time for me (yourself). In today’s busy world, many people wear many hats, and they don’t have…

New Lesson: People watching reminds us everyone has their own story  Discuss People Watching