Tag: make your own way

  • Keep up appearances

    Keep up appearances

    Phrase: Keep up appearances How important is it for you to keep up appearances? Do you care about maintaining a particular impression of wealth or well-being? I, myself, don’t really care about those things, but then again, I’ve never had a high level of wealth to begin with. Keeping up appearances means you feel it’s…

  • Walk in someone else’s footsteps

    Walk in someone else’s footsteps

    Expression: Walk in someone else’s footsteps Hello, and welcome to another week of posts here at ArtisanEnglish.jp. Based on your perspective, walking in someone else’s footsteps could be the right thing to do or the easy way to get ahead. I say this because when you follow in another person’s footsteps, you do the same…

  • Make your own way

    Make your own way

    Phrase: Make your own way There’s a lot to be said for making your own way in life. Sure, this is not the easy way. People tend to have more appreciation and respect for things they have completed, built or learned themselves than for what has been handed to them on a silver platter. Japanese…

Discover the truth behind male malaise and the emotional struggles faced by men.  View this lesson