Tag: long face

  • Long face

    Long face

    WotD: Long face A horse walks up to a mirror and says, “Why the long face?” The mirror says, “It’s OK. I’m just a bit reflective today.” Ha, ha, ha, that’s a funny joke. It’s OK. I know you’re only laughing because everyone else is. The thing is, everyone else is smiling because you are.…

  • Count your blessings

    Count your blessings

    Phrase: Count your blessings The next time you’re feeling stressed out or a little depressed because it seems like the whole world is against you, count your blessings. In other words, try to be grateful for what you have because, as my father told me in one of his moments of clarity, “No matter how…

Discover the truth behind male malaise and the emotional struggles faced by men.  View this lesson