Tag: leave a bad taste in (one’s) mouth

  • Take to the grave

    Take to the grave

    Idiom: Take to the grave Money is great, but you can’t take it with you. That’s why funerals are so expensive. A funeral is like a tip jar at an airport Starbucks. You dump all your spare change in it because you can’t use it where you’re going. That’s a little mortician humour for you.…

  • Leave a bad taste in (one’s) mouth

    Leave a bad taste in (one’s) mouth

    Idiom: Leave a bad taste in your mouth The idiom leave a bad taste in one’s mouth has nothing to do with eating or bad-tasting toothpaste. It deals with feelings. Have you ever been treated rudely or poorly in a restaurant or store? How did you feel about that experience? I bet that experience left…

Let's discuss Halloween, a vibrant and thrilling time steeped in rich traditions and folklore.   Explore this lesson