Tag: keep to yourself

  • Wallflower


    Word of the Day: Wallflower There’s a common theme in American summer romance movies in which an outgoing male character who is a bit of a ladies’ man falls in love with the local wallflower eventually, and they live happily ever after. No, I’m not talking about a guy who becomes a wallpaper hanger. A…

  • No man is an island

    No man is an island

    English Phrase: No man is an island Today, I’ve chosen a ubiquitous phrase in English – no man is an island. Of course, in our modern times, we must be inclusive and modify it to ‘no one is an island’ or ‘no woman is an island.’ However, to stay true to the original John Donne…

Let's discuss Halloween, a vibrant and thrilling time steeped in rich traditions and folklore.   Explore this lesson