Tag: jump ship

  • Remuneration


    WotD: Remuneration Remuneration is the compensation an employee receives for work or services. It includes various forms of payment and benefits employees or service providers receive from an employer or client. Understanding the concept of remuneration is crucial for both employers and employees, as it plays a significant role in workers’ overall satisfaction and motivation.…

  • Manna from heaven

    Manna from heaven

    Phrase: Manna from heaven Isn’t life strange? Last year government assistance was raining down like manna from heaven. You may wonder what manna is and why it comes from heaven. It goes back to Moses and how he led the Israelites out of Egypt. Manna was an edible substance God provided to the Israelites in the desert.…

  • Jump ship

    Jump ship

    WotD: Jump ship Today we’re going to take a brief look at the term jump ship, which began with a literal meaning and now has somewhat of a more symbolic one. Going back a few hundred years ago, sailors signed contracts with ships or companies to work for a period of time or so many…

  • Bide time

    Bide time

    Word of the Day: Bide time It’s hard to live by the saying patience is a virtue. However, knowing that the right opportunities will come to you if you bide your time is essential. It is necessary to have patience when you want your life to improve. To bide time means to waste time. When…

Discover the truth behind male malaise and the emotional struggles faced by men.  View this lesson