Tag: jargon
WotD: Jargon Jargon is a term that is often used in our daily lives. It refers to specialized words or phrases in a particular profession or group. For instance, the medical field has a lot of jargon that can be difficult for the average person to understand. I was once hospitalized here in Japan for…
Speak over your head
Phrase: Speak over your head No one enjoys listening to someone who is speaking over their head. It’s usually rude, and in some cases, it can discourage your listeners. When a person speaks over your head, they talk about things which you cannot understand. Often, when a speaker uses a lot of jargon or industry-specific…
Word of the Day: Lingo Yes, it’s true. If you want to learn the language, you must speak the lingo. The problem is, what on earth does that mean? Well, lingo is a foreign language and could also be jargon, such as technical or field-specific vocabulary. It can also be a little more than that, though. For example,…