Tag: hustle and bustle
Leave your mark
Phrase: Leave your mark Have you ever wondered about all the average Joes of history? Being a student of history I often wonder how I can leave my mark on posterity. This is a powerful phrase that carries the idea of making a lasting impact or impression. When you leave your mark, you significantly influence…
Brain drain
WotD: Brain drain We’re living through a period of high inflation and are watching our hard-earned cash go down the drain as prices rise higher and higher. If this continues for much longer, many areas will begin to experience a brain drain. A brain drain occurs when many educated or highly skilled people leave one…
On your doorstep
Phrase: On your doorstep Life is short. Why not move to Wakayama, where you will have nature on your doorstep? People are finding themselves changing their lifestyles to accommodate the changes in the world. With the pandemic interrupting everything, people are rethinking their future and how they want to live. When something is described as being…
Word of the Day: Getaway I’m not sure about you, but I sure could use a little getaway at the moment. It doesn’t have to be anything fancy or expensive, just a weekend in a little out-of-the-way hotel in a small quiet town in the countryside somewhere. Yes, I do live in a small quiet…
Feast or famine
WotD: Feast or famine In life, it’s either feast or famine. What I mean by that is we either have too much of something or too little. It wasn’t that long ago when getting your hands on a surgical mask would cost you an arm and a leg. Feast or famine means we either have…
Snowed under
WotD: Snowed under What a great time of year to talk about being snowed under, eh? Luckily, Wakayama doesn’t get much snow because of our subtropical climate. Yes, it does snow sometimes, but it never sticks around for long. A massive dump of snow, though, is not the only meaning of what it means to…
WotD: Dog-tired You’re not worth your salt these days unless you’re dog-tired. Everyone is always so busy running around doing all sorts of errands and extracurricular activities that they have no time for sleep. Did you know that most people are not getting enough sleep? When we’re dog-tired, we’re extremely tired or worn out. We’re…
Hustle and bustle
WotD: Hustle and bustle In countries all around the world, there’s an ongoing migration to the hustle and bustle of cities. Cities sure are getting crowded. New York’s population is 8,622,698, Tokyo’s is 37,468,302, and Toronto, The Big Smoke in Canada, has around 2,800,000 people. Hustle and bustle is a lot of action in a small place.…
Mooch off
WotD: Mooch off (of) (someone) So, do you like the little koala in today’s picture? I bet you would never think he’s the kind of guy who’d mooch off of you. He’s cute, isn’t he? Just hanging around in a tree all day, waiting for someone to hand him some eucalyptus leaves to munch on. What a life, right?…
Word of the Day: Hubbub A hubbub is a lot of noise, confusion or excitement caused by a lot of people talking or moving or doing both at the same time. Imagine the hustle and bustle of the streets of Bombay, India or Manila in the Philippians. There are people, cars, bicycles, motorbikes, buses, and…