Tag: humdrum

  • Wishful thinking

    Wishful thinking

    WotD: Wishful thinking Today is Monday! This is going to be the best week of your life! You’ll get that promotion you’ve always wanted, win the lottery and find ¥50,000 between the sofa cushions. Then again, it could all be wishful thinking. Wishful thinking is thinking or talking about bizarre things happening in the future as…

  • Variety is the spice of life

    Variety is the spice of life

    Proverb: Variety is the spice of life What do you do when your steak is a little tough and bland? You put a little pepper on it. What do you do when life is a bit tough and humdrum? You add a little variety to it. Why? Because variety is the spice of life, my friend. Variety…

  • Humdrum


    Word of the Day: Humdrum Humdrum means dull or lacking excitement and is usually used to describe someone’s life situation. Believe it or not, but some people feel that life is tedious and slow. They believe that their life is boring. Many people also say that they have a tedious job. Every day they do…

  • Monotony


    Word of the Day: Monotony When you do the same thing every day, day after day, week after week, month and month, it is called monotony: the humdrum of daily life. When everything is the same and boring, that is monotony. Don’t get me wrong; sometimes, monotony is a good thing because it can help us…