Tag: huff

  • Huff


    Word of the Day: Huff (verb) Today I’m going to introduce huff which we can use as a verb as in ‘what are you huffing about now?’ Huff means to say something in an angry, upset or annoyed way. You don’t have to yell at somebody act angry. The tone of your voice when you speak can…

  • In a huff

    In a huff

    Phrase: In a huff Has someone ever said something that offended you so much that you walked away from them? Have you ever been so angry with someone that you could not talk to them anymore, so you just left the situation? Well, if you have, then you have walked away in a huff. Exiting…

  • Sour grapes

    Sour grapes

    Idiom: Sour Grapes Sour grapes is a term used to describe how a person feels when they want something but can’t get it, so they say it’s not very good anyway. Think about a child who wants to have ice cream. Their father tells them that they can’t have any. The child gets angry, but…