Tag: have your wits about you
Fool me once shame on you
Proverb: Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me It’s your responsibility not to be caught off guard. It’s a dog-eat-dog world where once you step outside your door, everyone you meet wants something from you, and it’s usually your money. That’s where today’s proverb comes into play. The proverb fool…
WotD: Complacent Coronavirus is back, baby! And it is back with a vengeance! The truth of the matter is it was never actually gone, and now that people have become complacent, we have allowed it to attack again. Now the danger zone is India. If you follow the news, you know they were lauded as…
Have your wits about you
Phrase: Have your wits about you Japan is well-known for being a safe country. It is one of the reasons young Japanese do not have their wits about them when travelling overseas. Foreigners often remark that at Starbucks (in Japan), the Japanese will often place their bags on a chair to save it while they…
Lead you down the garden path
Idiom: Lead you down the garden path On a lovely sunny day, it is enjoyable to walk together with a pretty girl, lady or woman in a well-tended garden. That is internationally known as one of the things that help romance bloom. It is quite another thing altogether to allow someone to lead you down…