Tag: have a soft spot for

  • There’s no accounting for taste

    There’s no accounting for taste

    Proverb: There’s no accounting for taste It’s been said that variety is the spice of life. I’m glad someone said it because when I look at some of the fashion or designs around me, I can’t help but think there’s no accounting for taste. I come from a monocultural island in the Atlantic Ocean. When I was…

  • Have a weakness for

    Have a weakness for

    Phrase: Have a weakness for someone/something OK, boys and girls, it’s Monday. That means have a weakness for is the last post of my work week. You may remember that on November 15, the post was have a soft spot for (something). Today’s post is similar yet different. For the students who asked me about the usage of ‘yet’…

  • Have a soft spot for

    Have a soft spot for

    Idiom: Have a soft spot for (someone or something) Snakes? How could David have a soft spot for snakes? You may be wondering. Well, to be honest, I don’t. I chose it to get your attention. It worked, right? So, mission accomplished. Sometimes to teach somebody something, you first need an attention grab. Let me do some teaching,…

New Lesson: People watching reminds us everyone has their own story  Discuss People Watching