Tag: harbinger
Canary in the coal mine
Phrase: Canary in the coal mine Many commonly used English language phrases originated from literal meanings. Until quite recently, the lives of men depended on a canary in the coal mine. Yes, it’s true. Before modern mine ventilation methods were invented, methane or carbon monoxide gasses could build up in a coal mine. Both of these…
Word of the Day: Luddite The word Luddite originated in the early 1800s. At that time, a group of people referred to as Luddites, perhaps because their leader was Mr. Ludd, protested against machines being used as an excuse to avoid standard labour practices, such as giving them a lower salary. These Luddites were not protesting against the machines. The…
The Writing is on the wall
English Idiom: The Writing is on the wall It seems that the writing is on the wall for many of the old systems we grew up with. China is up and coming, whereas the USA appears to be pulling back. Just like in 1989, when the writing was on the wall for the old communist…
Word of the Day: Harbinger A harbinger is someone or something that indicates something terrible will happen soon. After the massive earthquake and tsunami in Thailand a few years ago, most people now know that if the ocean along the coast suddenly recedes, it could be a harbinger of a coming tsunami, and they should…