Tag: hand-to-mouth

  • The great unwashed

    The great unwashed

    Phrase: The great unwashed This one today may be old-fashioned, but it is highly relevant today. The gap between the haves and the have-nots is widening almost daily. As a result, most of us in the middle class are being looked at once again as the great unwashed. Yep, we are the ordinary common man…

  • Hand-to-mouth


    WotD: Hand-to-mouth A common theme of my posts seems to be money. Today is no different because a hand-to-mouth existence is a tough way to live. Some of us are lucky enough to have managed to put away a little rainy day fund for unexpected emergencies. Refrigerators don’t break down very often, but when they do, we cannot delay…

  • Live rough

    Live rough

    WotD: Live rough I’ve travelled a lot in my time, but some of the biggest shocks and most vivid memories I have are of seeing people live rough on the streets of big cities. I grew up in a small rural town of about 1,200 people. There were no homeless. Yes, there were a lot of poor…