Tag: hand in hand
Aspirational brand
WotD: Aspirational brand Aspirational brands are the ones that consumers aspire to own or be associated with. They represent a particular lifestyle or status that the consumer wants to attain. These brands are often associated with luxury, exclusivity, and high quality. Some well-known examples of aspirational brands include Apple, Rolex, and Chanel. These brands have a…
On the other hand
Phrase: On the other hand Today, we’re going to get into the nitty-gritty of English phrases by looking at the phrase, on the other hand. On the other hand, is a little phrase used to introduce a contrasting idea or point of view. It is one of the ways of presenting two different perspectives or…
Line your pockets
Idiom: Line your pockets We can be assured no two things go hand in hand as firmly as corruption and lining your pockets. When people line their pockets, they are dishonestly making money by doing something illegal or allowing something illegal to happen. This may create images of brown paper bags stuffed with cash being…
See off
Word of the Day: See (someone) off Many people enter your life, most of them leave, and only a precious few stay for any amount of time. I’m the guy who’s always leaving. I can’t remember how many times my parents, friends, and ex-girlfriends have seen me off at airports, bus stations, and train stations.…
Sine qua non
WotD: Sine qua non Here it is again, Latin. A Sine qua non is something essential for something else to be possible. You can’t make a hamburger without beef. Therefore beef is a sine qua non for making burgers. Now, you’re not going to see this term every day. Heck, you may only see it once a year if…
With great power comes great responsibility
Phrase: With great power comes great responsibility I’d like you to read the following sentence aloud and then pause and let it hang in the air for a moment. With great power comes great responsibility. What does this phrase mean to you? What do you imagine when you read those words? Do you have an…
Word of the Day: Waft I used to love going to the movies when I was young. It was exciting! I remember standing outside the theatre, looking up at the posters, trying to decide what to see, and, of course, the smell of delicious, hot, buttered popcorn wafting through the air. Nothing goes hand in…
Hand in hand
Phrase: Hand in hand After being an English teacher for many years, I’ve learned that many things must go hand in hand to acquire a second language. When things go hand in hand, they are often found together or are good together. I’ve also heard almost every excuse for not being able to speak a second language…