Tag: go through the motions
Bright-eyed and bushy-tailed
WotD: Bright-eyed and bushy-tailed You know, sometimes life doesn’t work out how you want it to. Today is Monday, and I woke up bright-eyed and bushy-tailed to write and publish this post to have it out by my self-imposed deadline of 11:00 am. Well, that didn’t happen. It’s hard to make plans when you run your own…
Go through the motions
English Expression: Go through the motions Good morning, sunshine! Welcome to Monday! Time to rise and shine! It’s time to jump out of bed bright-eyed and bushy-tailed. Open your curtains and greet the day, “HELLO WORLD IT’S, (insert your name here)!” What? Not today? It is not going to happen on Monday, eh? Monday is…
Word of the Day: Hail Have you ever tried to hail a taxi in New York? No? Then I’m sure you’ve seen people do it or you have seen it happen on TV. It’s a familiar scene in New York to see a person stand on the curb (the edge of the sidewalk), raise their…