Tag: glass ceiling

  • Glass ceiling

    Glass ceiling

    WotD: Glass ceiling Glass is a valuable substance. We can use glass to correct our vision, hold liquids, and create windows to keep the weather outside. Problems arise when we create glass ceilings. The glass ceiling refers to an invisible yet unbreakable barrier that prevents people, especially women, from rising to top workplace positions. It…

  • Double Jeopardy

    Double Jeopardy

    WotD: Double Jeopardy To explain double jeopardy, we’ll first have to step into the law courts and then into the life of a middle-aged woman. I know it sounds complicated, but bear with me here. Under North American laws, a person cannot be tried for the same criminal offence twice. What that means is if…

  • The rat race

    The rat race

    WotD: The rat race Well, hello to you. I’m glad you’ve taken some time to escape the rat race and spend a few peaceful moments reading my post. Even if you’re unaware of what the rat race means, I can tell you that you are in it. Oh yes, you are.  The rat race is the quest for power and…

Discover the truth behind male malaise and the emotional struggles faced by men.  View this lesson