Tag: get the better of

  • Smoke and Mirrors

    Smoke and Mirrors

    WotD: Smoke and Mirrors There’s a war going on in Ukraine right now. It’s not just a shooting war but also an information war. Initially, the Russian government had planned to unleash a smoke-and-mirrors campaign. Information described as smoke and mirrors is intended to cloud the truth or embellish it with misleading information. The purpose…

  • Sweet talk

    Sweet talk

    Word of the Day: Sweet talk You don’t have to feel too bad about it because we have all fallen victim to a sweet-talking salesperson a time or two. Surely there is an image in your brain of what I mean. While browsing in a clothing store with no intention of purchasing anything, a salesperson…

  • The road to hell is paved with good intentions

    The road to hell is paved with good intentions

    Proverb: The road to hell is paved with good intentions Oh boy, hell must be a very crowded place right now. Before you begin thinking that we are all going to burn for eternity, let me reassure you. We are not all going to hell, and Japanese summers, which are as hot as hell, only…

  • Quid pro quo

    Quid pro quo

    WotD: Quid pro quo Hello, boys and girls; I’m back with another Latin term again. This time, it’s quid pro quo.  Now, don’t roll your eyes and say you don’t need to know Latin.  If you graduated from university, then you should know a little Latin.  If you want to speak English at a high…

  • Fall back on

    Fall back on

    WotD: Fall back on  Do you have a person or resource to fall back on when everything else has failed? I’m sure you do. It’s like having life insurance for, well, all of those little life happenings that can get the better of us sometimes. We fall back on someone or something when everything else has failed. We can…

Discover the truth behind male malaise and the emotional struggles faced by men.  View this lesson