Tag: flux

  • Shortcoming


    WotD: Shortcoming I believe that the one thing humans do well is survive. We can get ourselves out of any problematic situation we get ourselves into. But even I can’t help but notice the many shortcomings of humanity. According to Google, a shortcoming is “a fault or failure to meet a certain standard, typically in…

  • Put (someone) up on a pedestal

    Put (someone) up on a pedestal

    Phrase: Put (someone) up on a pedestal Around America and in Britain, statues were hauled down from pedestals and even thrown into harbours in some cases. I used to think the fall of Saddam’s statue in Iraq was pretty cool. This all just goes to show the danger of putting someone up on a pedestal.…

  • Date yourself

    Date yourself

    Phrase: Date yourself No, this is not the ultimate in self-love. If you date yourself, you do or say something revealing your age. As you already know, language is in constant flux. What I mean is it has a life of its own. You do not use many of the words that your parents used. Likewise, many of…

  • Flux


    Word of the Day: Flux The world is in a constant state of flux or continuous change. Change is all around us – it’s natural and inevitable. The weather changes on a daily, if not hourly, basis, as does the temperature. Most places on the earth have four seasons, and some have more. Japan has spring, summer,…

  • Contingency plan

    Contingency plan

    WotD: Contingency plan Nothing stays the same. The world is in a constant state of flux. That’s why having a contingency plan for every possible situation is a good idea. This year, we lost power for three days due to the most powerful typhoon to hit Japan in 25 years. Luckily my wife and I had a gas…

  • Written in stone

    Written in stone

    English Idiom: Written in stone When we say that something is written in stone, we mean that it’s permanent or challenging if not impossible to change. When you sign a contract for a bank loan, for example, it is complicated to break or get out of that contract. It is also very often used in…

New Lesson: People watching reminds us everyone has their own story  Discuss People Watching