Tag: fight a losing battle

  • War of words

    War of words

    WotD: War of words Make no mistake, people; we are in a dire situation at the moment. We are NOT fighting a losing battle, but it is an uphill battle. This is the moment when we must put our differences aside, end the war of words, and concentrate on defeating our common threat: coronavirus. Here…

  • Fight a losing battle

    Fight a losing battle

    Phrase: Fight a losing battle Have you read the news lately? I have. God, it’s disheartening. Sometimes it makes me feel as if we are fighting a losing battle against an invisible enemy. When you fight a losing battle, you try hard but know that your efforts are doomed to failure. You realize there is…

  • Bow out

    Bow out

    Word of the Day: Bow out Believe it or not, many people love their jobs, and that’s why they want to bow out at a time of their choosing. No one wants to be forcibly put out to pasture before they feel ready. On the same side of the coin, nobody wants to leave under pressure because of a…