Tag: fall by the wayside

  • Lose steam

    Lose steam

    WotD: Lose steam How are you feeling? Are you starting to lose steam as the year comes to an end? Well, Yes, I understand there are still roughly three weeks left to go in 2022. I look at the first week of December as the beginning of the end of the year. If you are…

  • End of an era

    End of an era

    Phrase: End of an era It’s sad to say, but we may be witnessing the end of an era not only in Japan but also worldwide. The end of an era means something ends and will never return. Until now, the Western world has been gradually switching to digital wallets and cashless transactions to make…

  • Wallflower


    Word of the Day: Wallflower There’s a common theme in American summer romance movies in which an outgoing male character who is a bit of a ladies’ man falls in love with the local wallflower eventually, and they live happily ever after. No, I’m not talking about a guy who becomes a wallpaper hanger. A…

  • Two cents’ worth

    Two cents’ worth

    Phrase: Two cents’ worth From time to time, in conversations, I, in my role as a teacher, intentionally say things that entice students to contribute their two cents’ worth (or more) to the discussion. It’s called playing devil’s advocate. A good conversation teacher knows how to create a desire in their students to say something. Japanese students…