Tag: error of your ways

  • Change of heart

    Change of heart

    Phrase: Change of heart We encounter change of heart in conversation, literature, and movies. As Donald Trump spirals down to a deeper, darker, crazier place, we hope to hear it much more. When someone has a change of heart, there is a significant shift in their feelings, beliefs, or attitudes. It signifies a profound transformation…

  • Come home to roost

    Come home to roost

    Phrase: Come home to roost Ignored mistakes are like chickens; they will eventually come home to roost. If you are a city dweller, you may not know that chickens will always come home to roost even if they run away. During my childhood, we always had laying hens for eggs. My father let them run…

  • Crunch numbers

    Crunch numbers

    Idiom: Crunch numbers Have I ever mentioned that I was a construction worker in a different life? Yes, I trained as a sheet metal worker and worked in the roofing business for a few years before realizing the error of my ways and going to university. While a sheet metal worker doesn’t crunch numbers like…

  • The error of your ways

    The error of your ways

    Phrase: The error of your ways Take a moment to look back on your life until now. Have you realized the error of your ways and modified your behaviour as you have progressed through the years, or have you continued to do the same things repeatedly? Which is, by the way, the informal definition of…

Discover the truth behind male malaise and the emotional struggles faced by men.  View this lesson