Tag: educated guess

  • Smoke and Mirrors

    Smoke and Mirrors

    WotD: Smoke and Mirrors There’s a war going on in Ukraine right now. It’s not just a shooting war but also an information war. Initially, the Russian government had planned to unleash a smoke-and-mirrors campaign. Information described as smoke and mirrors is intended to cloud the truth or embellish it with misleading information. The purpose…

  • Lead time

    Lead time

    Word of the Day: Lead time If you look up lead time in a dictionary such as the Cambridge Dictionary, it will give you a boring definition of what it is: ‘the time between the design of a product and its production, or between ordering a product and receiving it.’ If you think twice about it,…

  • Educated guess

    Educated guess

    WotD: Educated guess Two things in life are vital to being successful: knowledge and experience. If a person possesses both of these things in the correct amounts, they should be able to make educated guesses about the future and prepare accordingly. An educated guess is much different than a pure guess. An educated guess is…

  • Around the bend

    Around the bend

    Idiom: Around the bend Have you seen the news recently? I’m telling you, It’s enough to drive you around the bend. The constant amount of bad and scary news is enough to affect you mentally. It can leave you confused and unable to determine which way to turn for help or what to do. The…

Discover the truth behind male malaise and the emotional struggles faced by men.  View this lesson