Tag: echo chamber
Alternative facts
WotD: Alternative facts In today’s political landscape, the term alternative facts has become controversial, clearly depicting the ongoing struggle over truth and reality in public conversation. Introduced famously by a former US presidential advisor to Donald Trump (see below), alternative facts suggest that there can be multiple competing true facts about a single event or…
Wotd: Like-minded People like to be surrounded by like-minded individuals because it provides a sense of comfort and validation. Like-minded people share similar values, beliefs, and interests, which can create a sense of belonging and community. However, while being surrounded by like-minded people can be comforting, it can also lead to groupthink and an echo…
WotD: Groupthink Groupthink is a phenomenon that occurs when a group of people share the same opinion without critical evaluation. This can happen for many reasons, but it usually occurs because the group has strong bonds and is not easily affected by external forces. The presence of a domineering leader who does not allow dissent…
Echo chamber
WotD: Echo chamber The notion of living in an echo chamber is not a new one. Neither is the thought that it is also dangerous. Newspaper readers have always been loyal readers of one newspaper or another. However, with the invention and growth of social media, echo chambers have been condensed down to single ideas…
Take at face value
Phrase: Take (something) at face value With the Social media and fake news environment we live in today, it’s tough for us to take things at face value. When we take something at face value, we accept it as it is, are not skeptical about it and don’t look for an ulterior motive. As I…