Tag: easier said than done

  • Put into practice

    Put into practice

    Phrase: Put into practice So, talk is cheap. No, wait, I’ve done that one before. What’s today’s post? Oh, yeah, put into practice. If you put something into practice, you make your dream, idea, or words a reality. OK, talk is still cheap. That’s why when you talk a good game, you have to put…

  • Build a better mousetrap

    Build a better mousetrap

    Idiom: Build a better mousetrap It sucks, I know, but most of us do not come from money, nor does money grow on trees for us. If, then, we would like to have a more comfortable life, with perhaps fewer money worries and possibly, dare I say it, a rainy day fund in the bank,…

  • Easier said than done

    Easier said than done

    Phrase: Easier said than done Talk to any successful business owner, and they will tell you the world is full of talkers. People are very eager to tell you what they are going to do. They have big plans and even bigger dreams. The problem is that most of what they say is easier said…

  • Catch


    Word of the Day: Catch Oh boy, this one always gets me. No matter what I do, there is always a catch, and nothing goes as smoothly as advertised.  I began this website in early 2016. At that time, when it came to technology, I was what is called a laggard. It’s the complete opposite…

Discover the truth behind male malaise and the emotional struggles faced by men.  View this lesson