Tag: Each day is a new dawn

  • The light at the end of the tunnel

    The light at the end of the tunnel

    Phrase: The light at the end of the tunnel We’re all here in the dark together, with our arms outstretched, slowly moving forward, eyes straining to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Some pessimists will tell you to be careful what you wish for because that light is just as likely to be…

  • A clean slate

    A clean slate

    Idiom: A clean/blank slate Have you ever wanted to forget past mistakes and begin life again with a clean slate? If you begin with a clean slate or blank slate, you start fresh and with no limits, and don’t let previous mistakes or happenings affect you. Are there some things you regret and would do differently…

  • The world is your oyster

    The world is your oyster

    Idiom: The World is your Oyster Each day is a new dawn, and the world is your oyster. Every day we wake up, we get a new lease on life and should face the world with a positive attitude. That’s what I tell myself every morning. We have to be positive in this life; otherwise,…