Tag: double back
Keep on keeping on
Phrase: Keep on keeping on It’s not just you; life is getting harder. With prices increasing, a dearth of good world leaders and the enshittification of everything, you just want to stay in bed and wait for the weather to change. In life, we often face challenges that make us feel like giving up. In…
Double back
WotD: Double back In life, the path we take is rarely a straight line. We often need to double back to reassess our choices or revisit old decisions. To double back means to return to a previous point in your journey. Whether in a literal sense or metaphorically, doubling back reminds us it’s okay to…
Live to tell the tale
Phrase: Live to tell the tale Live to tell the tale is a phrase that means to survive a dangerous or challenging situation and be able to talk about it afterward. It implies the person who experienced the situation could overcome it with a story to tell. I have two stories of times when I…