Tag: dog-tired

  • Pick-me-up


    WotD: Pick-me-up Sometimes, we all need a little pick-me-up to brighten our day and boost our mood. But what is a pick-me-up, and where can you get one? Well, a pick-me-up is anything that makes you feel better, more energetic, or more cheerful. It could be a cup of coffee, a kind word from a…

  • A dog’s age

    A dog’s age

    Idiom: A dog’s age Do you ever have times when you wish you were a kid again? I sure do. It’s been a dog’s age since I could let someone else make all the decisions. The strange part is that when I was a kid and didn’t have to do anything, I yearned for the…

  • Dog-tired


    WotD: Dog-tired You’re not worth your salt these days unless you’re dog-tired.  Everyone is always so busy running around doing all sorts of errands and extracurricular activities that they have no time for sleep.  Did you know that most people are not getting enough sleep? When we’re dog-tired, we’re extremely tired or worn out. We’re…

  • Second wind

    Second wind

    Word of the Day: Second wind Second wind refers to a sudden burst of energy that you get when you are doing something strenuous. Perhaps you’ve been working hard all day and feel dog-tired. You think that it is impossible to finish the project today. You stop, do a bit of yoga or meditation to…

Let's discuss Halloween, a vibrant and thrilling time steeped in rich traditions and folklore.   Explore this lesson