Tag: Curry favour
Ulterior motive
WotD: Ulterior motive An ulterior motive is a secret or not-so-obvious reason for doing something. Some people may try to curry favour with their boss, not because they like their boss, but because they want the next promotion to marketing manager; they have another reason which is in their best interests. Being suspicious is not a good thing, but…
Make ends meet
English Idiom: Make ends meet Many people suffer a lot of headaches trying to make ends meet. Some people have been very successful in life, and the only thing they have to worry about is tall poppy syndrome. Whether they became successful by currying favour by working hard or a combination of both is not…
Curry favour
Word of the Day: Curry favour If you try to curry favour, you praise your boss or someone else in authority in an insincere manner. In slang terms, we’d say it’s a nice way to say kiss ass. You are insincere because you have an ulterior motive. That ulterior motive could be a desire to…