Tag: crux

  • Nitty-gritty


    WotD: Nitty-gritty Some students find it hard to remove the fossilized mistakes from their English. One reason is that they have never gotten down to the nitty-gritty of the language and perfected the small things. Nitty-gritty is often used in everyday language to refer to a situation’s most basic, important, and practical aspects. The exact…

  • Bottom line

    Bottom line

    WotD: Bottom line If you’re keen to improve your English, you’ve already read my post from yesterday about advice falling on deaf ears. Therefore, it won’t be too much of a stretch for you to understand that when we give advice or make a suggestion, we often try to get to the bottom line. What is the bottom…

  • Crux


    Word of the Day: Crux It’s Valentine’s Day! I’m no expert when it comes to affairs of the heart, but I do know that the key is to be open, honest, and trusting to the one you love. Do that, and ninety percent of the hard work is done. If you’re looking for some advice…

  • Hustle and bustle

    Hustle and bustle

    WotD: Hustle and bustle In countries all around the world, there’s an ongoing migration to the hustle and bustle of cities. Cities sure are getting crowded. New York’s population is 8,622,698, Tokyo’s is 37,468,302, and Toronto, The Big Smoke in Canada, has around 2,800,000 people. Hustle and bustle is a lot of action in a small place.…

Discover the truth behind male malaise and the emotional struggles faced by men.  View this lesson