Tag: conundrum

  • Can’t see the forest for the trees

    Can’t see the forest for the trees

    Expression: Can’t see the forest for the trees Just as there are all kinds of people in the world, there are all kinds of students. Some students find it difficult to read online; they have to print everything out on paper. Others never pay attention to grammar but can speak very fluently, albeit with many…

  • The end justifies the means

    The end justifies the means

    Phrase: The end justifies the means It’s more of a philosophical question than anything else, but I’ll ask it anyway. Do you believe the end justifies the means? To clarify the question, do you think it is OK to use any means, even bad ones, to achieve a goal as long as that goal is…

  • Tarred with the same brush

    Tarred with the same brush

    Idiom: Tarred with the same brush It’s often said that you can tell what a person is like by their friends. Unfortunately, this is not always correct. Good people can have bad friends. If that’s the case, it’s unfair for good people to be tarred with the same brush. If everyone in a particular group is…

  • Conundrum


    WotD: Conundrum Say the word to yourself – conundrum.  Be sure to say the word in your head, not out loud. If you’re on a train or at the office and people hear you talking to yourself, they’ll think you have a few screws loose. I think the word conundrum sounds like some terrifying musical instrument. It is, however,…

  • Open a can of worms

    Open a can of worms

    English Idiom: Open a can of worms The idiom open a can of worms is used to describe a situation that has become more complicated once you start to deal with it. It is similar to the domino effect. Once you start to deal with one problem, you discover another issue that you have to…

  • Up a tree

    Up a tree

    English Idiom: Up a tree Have you ever found yourself up a tree? No, I don’t mean in the literal sense like this kitty. If you are a mature adult, you should not be climbing trees in the first place. I mean in the idiomatic sense. If you find yourself up a tree, it means that…

Discover the truth behind male malaise and the emotional struggles faced by men.  View this lesson