Tag: Controlled chaos



    Acronym of the Day: SNAFU It has been a long time since I wrote an abbreviation of the day. Snafu is extremely common and was first used during the Second World War. The letters that make up snafu stand for Situation Normal, All F***ed Up.  It’s a situation in which nothing works as planned, and…

  • Slapdash


    Word of the Day: Slapdash When we describe something as slapdash, we mean it has been done carelessly without a plan. The owner of this desk in the picture above has some pretty slapdash organizational skills. Yes, it may be controlled chaos to them, but even the round file is overflowing. It only looks sloppy and…

  • Controlled chaos

    Controlled chaos

    What one person thinks is a mess is another person’s order. Notice the round file next to the chair. English Phrase: Controlled chaos Some things look out of control. Some things seem confusing and messy, but they are functioning very well. When something looks messy but works quite well, we can describe it as controlled…

Discover the truth behind male malaise and the emotional struggles faced by men.  View this lesson