Tag: cliché

  • Throne


    Word of the Day: Throne The cliché for today is a man’s home is his castle, and since I’m mentioning castles, I should also mention thrones. A throne is a beautiful chair where a king, emperor, etc., sits, but you also have one in your home. It’s more commonly known as the toilet in your…

  • A man’s home is his castle

    A man’s home is his castle

    Cliché: A man’s home is his castle When a man is not at work, he’s at home, and we all know that a man’s home is his castle. In a company, not everyone can be the boss. When at work, most men have to do things and follow orders because they are just a cog…

  • Every cloud has a silver lining

    Every cloud has a silver lining

    Saying: Every cloud has a silver lining No matter how bad a situation may seem, it is essential to remember that every cloud has a silver lining.  Nothing is 100% bad. There is always some advantage in a bad situation. Thinking positively is essential; when you do, you should tell yourself that every cloud has…

  • If at first, you don’t succeed, try, try again.

    If at first, you don’t succeed, try, try again.

    Saying: If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again. If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again is a great little saying to repeat to yourself if you fail at something the first, second or even third time you try. It means がんばって. If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again means…

  • Cliché


    Word of the Day: Cliché Every cloud has a silver lining is a cliché. A cliché is a phrase or expression used so often that it is no longer unique or special. If an idiom or expression is used too much in society, it stops being effective. When it’s used, people roll their eyes and…

  • Like taking candy from a baby

    Like taking candy from a baby

    English Cliché: Like taking candy from a baby If the Canadian national ice hockey team played the Japanese national ice hockey team, of course, the Canadian team would win. It would be like taking candy from a baby. It would be incredibly easy for Canada to beat Japan on the ice, which is what the…

  • Saying


    Word of the Day: Saying In the English language, we have proverbs, idioms, expressions, quotes, puns, slogans, mottos, clichés, adages, sayings and quips. There are still more. These are all used to name little expressions that English speakers commonly use. Often, these are very difficult for English language students to understand, and usually, it is…

Discover the truth behind male malaise and the emotional struggles faced by men.  View this lesson