Tag: carpe diem

  • Opportunity knocks

    Opportunity knocks

    Phrase: Opportunity knocks Opportunity knocks. It’s a phrase you may have heard before. If you haven’t heard it before, it’s lucky you showed up to read my post today. But what does it mean? Opportunity knocks implies there is a chance to do something or achieve something that could be highly beneficial to you. It’s…

  • This too shall pass

    This too shall pass

    Adage: This too shall pass Today’s phrase this too shall pass is of Persian origin. It is said that a sultan asked his wise men to create a ring that would make him happy. They wrote this phrase on a ring and gave it to him. It worked. When he experienced difficulty, he could gaze…

  • Carpe diem

    Carpe diem

    WotD: Carpe diem Hello, and how are you doing today? Yes, I know it’s Monday, and you have a lot on your plate, but carpe diem, as they say. It’s a little Latin phrase that translates into ‘seize the day.’ What the heck does ‘seize the day’ mean, you might be wondering. Well, it means…

Discover the truth behind male malaise and the emotional struggles faced by men.  View this lesson