Tag: breaking point

  • Pushover


    Word of the Day: Pushover Many Japanese are wired to seek approval and avoid confrontation. However, we become pushovers when we allow others to walk all over us. Times have changed. Japanese are overworked, underpaid, and taken advantage of in the workplace daily. Just because you don’t think you’re being abused doesn’t mean you are…

  • Breaking point

    Breaking point

    Wotd: Breaking point Everyone has a breaking point beyond which you can go no further. Know when to slow down and take a break before pushing yourself and others past that limit. The breaking point is defined as the point of collapse or exhaustion. It is when a person can no longer tolerate or cope…

  • Snap


    Word of the Day: Snap Have you ever witnessed someone snap? It’s a term used to describe when someone suddenly loses control of their emotions and actions, often resulting in outbursts that can harm themselves or others. Unfortunately, this can happen in many different situations, including the workplace, relationships, and times of extreme stress, like…

  • Hinge on

    Hinge on

    Word of the Day: Hinge on  I believe everything will hinge on this year, everyone. When one thing hinges on another, it depends on or is greatly influenced by that other thing. 2018 is going to be year zero for all of us. The weather is entirely off the hook (crazy) this year, and if we, I…