Tag: breadwinner

  • The wolf is at the door

    The wolf is at the door

    Idiom: The wolf is at the door It’s a feeling perhaps a majority of people have had at least once in their lives. There’s an unexpected illness, natural disaster or the primary breadwinner loses their job, but the bills keep coming. You can rob Peter to pay Paul for a while, but eventually, you’ll fall…

  • Hand-to-mouth


    WotD: Hand-to-mouth A common theme of my posts seems to be money. Today is no different because a hand-to-mouth existence is a tough way to live. Some of us are lucky enough to have managed to put away a little rainy day fund for unexpected emergencies. Refrigerators don’t break down very often, but when they do, we cannot delay…

  • Save your bacon

    Save your bacon

    Idiom: Save your bacon You can be the breadwinner for a family and put food on the table by bringing home the bacon, but did you know someone can save your bacon as well? Food plays an integral part in English idioms. Bacon plays a vital role in American food culture. You can take any dish, add bacon and cheese, and it…

  • Breadwinner


    WotD: Breadwinner Breadwinner, a term used to describe a person who is the primary earner for their family, was traditionally associated with the male gender, as men were seen as the sole providers for their families. The term breadwinner comes from the idea that the person who brings home their salary and provides for the…

  • Bring Home the Bacon

    Bring Home the Bacon

    Idiom: Bring Home the Bacon It’s Friday, and if you’re getting paid weekly, this is the day you bring home the bacon. It’s the perfect idiom for the people out there who are feeling hungry right now. Anyway, a person who can bring home the bacon is a person who can provide for their family…

Discover the truth behind male malaise and the emotional struggles faced by men.  View this lesson